Sunday, March 20, 2011

Coconut Rice

  • 2 cups Thai jasmine-scented white rice (note that other types of rice, such as brown rice, will not work for this recipe)
  • 1 cup good-quality coconut milk (not "lite")
  • 2 cups water
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 2-3 Tbsp. dry shredded coconut, unsweetened or sweetened (baking type)
  1. Place rice in rice cooker. Add the water, coconut milk, salt, and shredded coconut. Stir well (use a plastic or wooden utensil to avoid scraping off the non-stick surface). Cover and set to cook.
  2. Once your rice cooker switches to "warm" mode, allow another 8-10 minutes for rice to finish "steaming". This will ensure your coconut rice is fully cooked and pleasantly sticky.
  3. Gently fluff with chopsticks before serving (some of the shredded coconut may have risen to the surface - just stir it back into the rice). Taste-test it for salt, adding a little more until desired flavor is achieved.
For a recipe for the stove top:

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